
A Girl’s Guide To God

For people seeking a Relationship with Jesus, not Religion

Blog Posts

  • Why the Bible doesn’t “work” for you and how you can change That

    Do you make New Year’s Resolutions? I don’t anymore, but I used to. Do you know what my number one resolution was almost every year? “I want to get closer to God.” But as every year passed, I never took the steps toward making that connection. I didn’t go to church, my prayer life was…


  • How I’m moving myself out of my own way, and how you can Too

    You know what I realized today? I have a hard time letting God be God in my life and I get in His way all the time. Yesterday, I was reading the New Testament, 1 Peter, to be exact, and there was a verse that mentioned spiritual gifts. Like my mind always does, it began…


  • With all due respect, PLEASE get out of your Feelings!

    “Feelings are important. God created them, and He expects us to experience them. He doesn’t expect us to be emotionless machines. But feelings have no intellect. They are real and powerful, but they do not think.


  • If You Want God To Change Your Life, Do This!

    Most times, I start with a story, but I’m just going to skip to the good stuff! I was spending time with God this morning, reading Matthew chapter 6:9-15, and He revealed the most simple yet important thing to me. Matthew 6:9-15 is Jesus giving, what we know to be the Lord’s prayer. You know,…


About Me

HEY Y’all! I’m Stephanie, CREATOR of agg2g

I’m a Writer/Storyteller/Coffee drinker by day, and a Writer/Storyteller/Wine drinker by night…and sometimes by day.

books i love…

  • Why the Bible doesn’t “work” for you and how you can change That

    Why the Bible doesn’t “work” for you and how you can change That

    Do you make New Year’s Resolutions? I don’t anymore, but I used to. Do you know what my number one resolution was almost every year? “I want to get closer to God.” But as every year passed, I never took the steps toward making that connection. I didn’t go to church, my prayer life was…

  • How I’m moving myself out of my own way, and how you can Too

    How I’m moving myself out of my own way, and how you can Too

    You know what I realized today? I have a hard time letting God be God in my life and I get in His way all the time. Yesterday, I was reading the New Testament, 1 Peter, to be exact, and there was a verse that mentioned spiritual gifts. Like my mind always does, it began…

  • With all due respect, PLEASE get out of your Feelings!

    With all due respect, PLEASE get out of your Feelings!

    “Feelings are important. God created them, and He expects us to experience them. He doesn’t expect us to be emotionless machines. But feelings have no intellect. They are real and powerful, but they do not think.

  • If You Want God To Change Your Life, Do This!

    If You Want God To Change Your Life, Do This!

    Most times, I start with a story, but I’m just going to skip to the good stuff! I was spending time with God this morning, reading Matthew chapter 6:9-15, and He revealed the most simple yet important thing to me. Matthew 6:9-15 is Jesus giving, what we know to be the Lord’s prayer. You know,…